Pet Conditions
Find a remedy for over 24 common pet conditions & ailments
As a general rule, if a positive response has not been seen within 24-48 hours, please consult with your veterinarian or your local veterinary clinic.
An easy-to-use remedy finder, which will help to make treatment easier.
Simply match the condition listed in the left-hand column with the remedy listed in the corresponding column.
For some conditions, the remedy may be commonly used for a different indication, but will contain one or more ingredients that will be of use in the listed condition.
Obviously common sense first aid measures should be taken in conjunction with the use of these remedies.
Medical attention should be sought in emergency situations, keeping in mind that the remedies can be given during transportation to the vet.

Condition | Remedy to use | Common sense measures |
Abdominal cramps | d.v.c. 30c | |
Accidents | injury 6c and/or fracture/osteo 30c | |
Aggression | aggression 30c | |
Agitation or Anxiety(anticipatory or other) | calming 30c | |
Allergies / skin rash | sting & itch 30c | |
Anal Gland | boils & abscesses 6c/anti-virabac 30c | |
Anticipatory anxiety assoc. shows, training, etc. (Horse/dog shows) | calming 30c | |
Arthritis | arthritis complex 30c | |
Asthma | kennel cough 30c | |
Biliary | haematonic 6c/ liver 30c/ anti-virabac 30c/ bites 30c/ haematonic 6c (Post Biliary) | May be a medical emergency. Seek medical assistance promptly |
Birthing process | injury 6C | |
Bites (Dog, Snake) | bites 30c & t.r.s. 200c | For serious bites (scorpion or spider), seek medical attention immediately. Keep animal still. Flush bite wound. Dose acutely en route. |
Bladder infection | cystitis 30C | Drink plenty of fluids. |
Bleeding | injury 6c / haematonic 6c | Seek medical assistance |
Boils, abscesses | boils & abscesses 6c. & anti-virabac 30c Irrigate with topical antiseptic solution. | Apply topical ‘drawing ointment’ |
‘Bronchitis’ | kennel cough 30c , anti-virabac 30c (where threatened infection) , muco-drainol 30c (where thick mucous) | If no improvements in 3-5 days, see a homeopath or doctor. If difficulty breathing, seek medical assistance. |
Bone breaks/fractures | fracture/osteo 30c | |
Bronchospasm | kennel cough 30c | |
Bruises, bangs & bumps | injury 6c | |
Burning Urine | cystitis 30c | Drink plenty of fluids. |
Burns | t.r.s. 200c and sting & itch 30c. (alternate every 15 min.) | Cool affected area, don’t use greasy ointments or pop blistering. Using the herbal antiseptic solution. bathe with ½ cup water infused with +/- 30 drops, soak bandage with the solution and apply to wound |
Canine Distemper | anti-virabac 30c alternate with kennel cough & cold 30c. d.v.c. 30c – should diarrhoea & vomiting occur | If suspected -isolate – highly contagious viral condition |
Caesarian Section | injury 6c | |
Car sickness | travel sickness 30c | |
Catarrh | muco- drainol 30c | |
Cat flu | snuffles complex 12c / anti-virabac 30c | |
Chest conditions | kennel cough / muco-drainol 30c | |
Coccyx injury | injury 6C | |
Colic | d.v.c. 30c (diarrhea, vomiting, cramping) | |
Concussion | injury 6c | Seek medical assistance. |
Coughs & Cold | kennel cough & cold 30c / muco –drainol 30c | |
Cramps (legs or abdomen) | d.v.c. 30c (diarrhoea, vomiting & cramps) | |
Croup | kennel cough 30c / pets-drainol | |
Crush injury | injury 6C | |
Dehydration | fluid imbalance 6c (Pegasus Original) | |
Dental surgery | injury 6c | |
Dermatitis | dermatitis complex 12c…add sting & itch 30c, if symptoms present | |
Debilitated states | haematonic 6c | |
Diarrhoea | d.v.c. 30c | Replace fluids & electrolytes |
Dizziness | travel sickness 30c | |
Dog bites | bites 30c / alternate anti-virabac 30c | |
Dry skin | dermatitis complex 12c - alternate sting & itch if symptoms present | |
Ears | otitis 30c / muco drainol 30c alternate for blocked ears. add anti-virabac 30c if infection threat (discoloured and/or odorous discharge) | |
Ear Canker | otitis 30c | |
Eczema | dermatitis complex 12c/ Add sting & itch 30c if those symptoms present herbal antiseptic solution apply to broken skin if occurs | |
Emotional upset – where “in the moment stress” e.g. Thunder, lightning, horse box loading, etc… Separation anxiety & grief | t.r.s. 200c (trauma, rescue, shock) for ‘in the moment’ shock | |
Emotional Upset: anticipatory anxiety – of vet or parlour visits, driving in car, etc. | calming 30c | |
Eyes (infections, conjunctivitis) | anti-virabac 30c / muco drainol 30c / snuffles complex 12c (cats) | |
Eye (injuries) | injury 6c / herbal antiseptic solution. Dilute 2-3 drops of the solution in eyebath | Lukewarm water and rinse (incl. foreign objects)…consult practitioner soonest. |
Fever | anti-virabac 30c / kennel cough & cold 30c | |
Fire- works | calming 30c at earliest anticipation / t.r.s. 200c when happening | |
Food poisoning | d.v.c. 30c (diarrhoea, vomiting & cramps)/ anti-virabac 30c. | Replace fluids electrolytes. |
Flatulence | gastric plus 30c (Pegasus Original) | |
Fluid retention/Oedema | fluid imbalance 6c (Pegasus Original) … treat topically Simultaneously (can apply the herbal antiseptic solution should secondary bacterial infection threaten) | |
Fractures | fracture/osteo 30c can alternate with injury 6c, should there have been an accident. | |
Grief | t.r.s. 200c (Ignatia, the chief grief, separation anxiety remedy) | |
Hair loss | ringworm/fungal 12c, / Add haematonic 6c where malnourished. | |
Hayfever | hayfever 6c / snuffles complex (cats)12c | |
Heat Stroke/ exhaustion | fluid imbalance 6c (Pegasus Original)…avail plentiful liquids | |
Hepatitis | liver 30c (Pegasus Original) | |
Hyperactivity | calming 30c | |
Hysteria | calming 30c | |
Hoof fungus | ringworm/fungal 12ctreat topically also (herbal antiseptic solution) | |
Incontinence | cystitis 30c…acute / renal 12c…more chronic issues | |
Indigestion, bloating, flatulence | gastric plus 30c (Pegasus Original) | |
Infections (Viral & Bacterial) | anti-virabac 30c. Apply herbal antiseptic solution to open wounds. | |
Injuries | (accidents, bumps, sprains) injury 6c. Apply herbal antiseptic solution broken skin | |
Insect stings & bites | sting & itch 30c / herbal antiseptic solutionon broken skin | |
Itchy skin | sting & itch 30c / dermatitis complex 12c. (if more severe) herbal antiseptic solution | |
Joint pain | arthritis complex 30c. Codliver Oil into the food useful to ‘lubricate’ | |
Kidneys | renal 12c | ‘Supportive’ consult practitioner |
Leg ulcers | haematonic 6c / liver 30c (Pegasus Original) | |
Maltreated animals: · fear-based’ experiences · Previous trauma |
aggression 30c t.r.s. 200c |
Meniere's syndrome | travel sickness 30c | |
Motion sickness | travel sickness 30c | |
Mucous (nose, ears, chest) | muco-drainol 30c/ otitis 30c/ kennel cough 30c alternate | |
Muscle cramps
· through strain and injury · Demineralised · diarrhoea |
injury 6c/ alternate d.v.c. 30c haematonic 6c/ alternate d.v.c. 30c d.v.c. 30c |
Muscle strain | injury 6c | |
Nausea | d.v.c. 30c (diarrhoea, vomiting,cramps), alternate. fluid imbalance 6c (Pegasus Original) | Hydrate |
Operations (post) | injury 6c / haematonic 6c / fracture/osteo 30c | |
Panic attacks | calming 30c / t.r.s. 200c | |
Older animals (debilitated) | haematonic 6c | |
Post- operative (healing) | injury 6c / haematonic 6c | |
Rash – skin | sting & itch 30c apply herbal antiseptic solution | |
Rheumatism | arthritis complex 30c | |
Ringworm | ringworm/fungal 12c | |
Sciatic pain | injury 6c / anti-spasm 30c (Pegasus Original) | |
Scorpion sting | bites 30c / anti-virabac 30c. | seek professional help |
Separation anxiety | t.r.s. 200c (Ignatia) | |
Shock/ trauma (‘in the moment’) e.g.Thunder, fire-crackers | t.r.s. 200c | |
Skin rash | sting & itch 30c / dermatitis complex 12c…(if more severe) | If progressive, revert to vet |
Snake bite | bites 30c / t.r.s. 200c. | Treat on way to vet. |
Sneezing | hayfever 6c | |
Snuffles in cats | snuffles complex 12c | |
Spastic colon | anti- spasm 30c / gastric plus 30c (Pegasus Original) alternate these remedies | |
Sore throat | throat 30c. | Seek professional help if difficult to swallow. |
Spider bites | bites 30c / anti-virabac 30c | |
Sprains/strains | injury 6c | |
Stings (bee, wasp, etc.) | sting & itch 30c | |
Stomach cramps | d.v.c. 30c (diarrhoea, vomiting & cramps) | |
Stomach flu/bug | d.v.c. 30c alternate with gastric plus 30c (Pegasus Original) | |
Stressful situation | calming 30c / t.r.s. 200c animal and owner | |
Sunburn | sting & itch 30c | |
Surgery | calming 30c (pre-op) / injury 6c (post-op) | |
Throat ‘infection’ | throat 30c. | Seek professional help if difficult to swallow. |
Tick Bite | bites 30c / anti-virabac 6c / haematonic 6c Alternate all 3 rems. liver 30c (Pegasus Original), post condition. | |
Tight chest | kennel cough & cold 30c/ muco drainol 30c…where very phlegmy | |
Thorns/splinters | boils & abscesses 6c. Clean with herbal antiseptic solution. | |
Thunderstorms | calming 30c at earliest anticipation / t.r.s. 200c when happening | |
Transportation | calming 30c (anticipatory anxiety) / t.r.s. 200c (while travelling)… travel sickness 30c | |
Trauma/shock | t.r.s. 200c…attends to both physical & emotional shock/trauma | |
Travel sickness (nausea, vomiting & vertigo from motion) | travel sickness 30c | |
Tummy bug | d.v.c. 30c / anti-virabac 30c alternated | |
Twisted limbs/joints injury | injury 6c / arthritis complex 30c | |
Urinary infection | cystitis 30c (acute), renal 12c (chronic) | |
Urticaria (itching) | sting & itch 30c | |
Vertigo | travel sickness 30c | |
Vomiting | d.v.c. 30c (diarrhoea, vomiting & cramping) | |
Wheezing chest | kennel cough/ muco-drainol 30c (in cats) snuffles complex | |
Whitlows | boils & abscesses 6c | |
Whooping cough | kennel cough 30c | |
Wounds | injury 6c / herbal antiseptic solution…topically add anti-virabac 30c where threatened infection |