A Miraculous Turnaround: Homeopathy Restores My Senior Cat's Health
Have new faith in homeopathics. When you get the desired result on an 18 year old cat, within a day, there is no doubt in my mind that homeopathic remedies and essential oils are the way to go.
On Sunday, I thought that Mika’s last days had arrived, she was completely incontinent and just not her happy self. I managed to find Pegasus Homeopathics Renal 12c and started dosing every hour, then every 3 hours and then 3 times yesterday. By yesterday there was a huge turnaround in her condition.
I am the happiest cat 🐈 mom right now. It is an absolute blessing. Thank you Absolute Pets Lorraine, for carying this product, when I needed it on a Sunday. The lady at the Walmer Park branch was so incredibly helpful too and told me which branches had stock.
Such a great healing experience. 🙏
Janine, Port Elizabeth
I wanted to say a very big thank you for your help and advice for Pixie. She’s 11 years old and the sweetest lady kitty, sprightly and full of fun, but was losing weight, had a smelly breathe, her eyes were running and sometimes gummy. Her coat was oily and she had dandruff. Her stools varied from squishy and runny to firm and really smelly! She had her teeth checked, her blood levels and cells checked, checked for diabetes and had come back with a clean bill of health.
On your recommendation, I gave Pixie Anti-virabac 30c alternating with Haematonic 6c and I can happily report that she is feeling much better and her tummy has settled and is no longer runny. I have subsequently bought the calming and cystitis treatments for my other kitties and they are working beautifully. Thank you again.
TzaTzu on the road to recovery
Sending heartfelt gratitude from me and canine gratitude from TzaTzu to Ian Wheeler of Pegasus Homeopathics.
A few weeks ago TzaTzu was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and the local vet advised us "that we must prevent suffering and pain"..... Well with the remedies from Pegasus Pets, TzaTzu has made a remarkable recovery to his usual bouncy self. He stands at the door waiting his meds and that speaks volumes for the incredible benefits he is receiving from the drops and tablets. The road is long but for now we have our precious rottie happy and giving us joy! Love and light!
The Arthritis Complex has shown remarkable results in improving the mobility and comfort of our lions, tigers, and leopards, helping our pride members lead happier, more active lives. Similarly, the Calming 30c has been a revelation for our animals, particularly for Amy, our cherished caracal. By incorporating Calming 30c into her water bowl, we've noticed a significant enhancement in her overall tranquillity, which is crucial in a sanctuary setting that prioritizes the well-being and natural behaviour of its inhabitants.
Note: remedies used are part of the Pegasus Speciality range: a Cancer Herbal Tincture, Homeopathic Tumour Drops, Osteo (homeopathic Bone maintenance/ recovery) remedy and the Pets Haematonic 6c remedy (homeopathic remedy to ‘lift’ a low vital force and blood tonic)
Testimonial by: Dr Shamin Allamchund
Panthera Africa
Panthera Africa is an ethical sanctuary committed to the well-being and welfare of our 26 big cat rescues. We are always on the lookout for products that enhance the health and tranquillity of the animals in our care.
In our quest for natural, effective remedies, we discovered Pegasus Homeopathic Pet Remedies. This range has become a cornerstone of our animal wellness protocol, offering solutions from arthritis relief to calming support, all catering to the diverse needs of our residents.
The Arthritis Complex has shown remarkable results in improving the mobility and comfort of our lions, tigers, and leopards, helping our pride members lead happier, more active lives. Similarly, the Calming 30c has been a revelation for our animals, particularly for Amy, our cherished caracal. By incorporating Calming 30c into her water bowl, we've noticed a significant enhancement in her overall tranquillity, which is crucial in a sanctuary setting that prioritizes the well-being and natural behaviour of its inhabitants.
It's not just the big cats that have benefited from Pegasus's remedies. The dogs and cats residing in our staff quarters have also experienced the positive impacts of these homeopathic solutions, showcasing the versatility and effectiveness of the Pegasus range across different animal species. Panthera Africa is dedicated to providing a safe haven for animals, free from interaction, breeding, or trading, and Pegasus Homeopathic Pet Remedies have become an integral part of our mission to ensure the health and happiness of the animals in our care.
Their natural, gentle approach aligns perfectly with our ethical values and commitment to the pride’s wellbeing. We are immensely grateful for the support these products have provided and wholeheartedly recommend Pegasus Homeopathic Pet Remedies to anyone seeking compassionate care solutions for their animals.
Testimonial by: Heather Blackstock, Panthera Africa | Big Cat Sanctuary

Ramses the cat
Dear Pegasus, my name is Ramses and 6 years ago I used to have an allergic reaction to mosquito bites.
It was so bad that I would scratch my nose until it bled!
My Earth Mama was so sad she took me to the Vet (once a year) for a cortisone injection.
Then Ray introduced her to Pegasus Histamine Comp (which they used to crush into my favourite treat)
and by the following rainy season, I no longer needed that hectic drug.
The season thereafter, I was completely healed! A Big Meow 🐾
Testimonial by: Ellen, Namibia

With utmost thanks to Pegasus Homeopathics and Pharmacist and Founder Ian Wheeler for his daily support, advice and continual guidance with our Sheba over the past two weeks, and for sponsoring her with product to help her with her recurrent cystitis, severe arthritis and spondylosis, and her incontinence which we are hoping to be remedied soon!
Sheba has no problem taking her “sweetie balls” and eagerly comes for them when she sees me pick up a bottle.
Pegasus Homeopathics payoff offline “because we love them like you do” couldn’t be more accurate! What an incredible team of animal lovers!
Testimonial by: Dee Ivings, Cape Town

A word of THANKS again for the most incredible remedies. Six years ago I gave thanks when I went into anaphylactic shock and Pegasus remedies saved my life.
Today I give THANKS again.
My cat got into a fight 2 days ago and had scratches on his ear, I cleaned them out but don't think I was quick enough as a big abscess formed on his ear.
I went and bought the Anti-Virabac pet remedy today. I dosed him at 8pm and when I wanted to dose again at 9pm the abscess had opened up and drained. I cleaned the open wound and his ear is clear. I will however dose for a day or two to make sure it's all clear.
I breathed a huge sigh of relief that he won't need to go to the vet. Thank you again for the most incredible remedies.
My blue box is my first aid box in my home and I now know my feline friend has trusted solutions as well.
With gratitude and best regards,
Testimonial by: Belinda van Dyk
Just a little essay about our experience with the remedies on the Farm. Hens enjoy the taste of Pegasus Homeopathic remedies just as much as gold fish do.
In December we had a mosquito outbreak in one of our lay hen coops. We checked the hens combs and eyes everyday as the mozzies like to sting them there but unfortunately they were stung on the body, then you can't see it and we caught it too late.
Chickens get Fowl Pox disease from mosquitos and it is contagious. This affected their productivity and also the egg shells, it was brittle or no shell at all. We alternated sting and Anti-virabac in their water system for a week. After the first day we could see an improvement as the girls started to eat more. After the second day the shells weren't as brittle anymore and the amount of eggs without shells decreased. We had a hen that kept doing a weird movement with her head and opening her mouth, we gave her one dose of Anti-virabac orally and it stopped.
Production percentages were up and down and on the 10th of January our worker decided to add Anti-virabac with their vitamins in the water every Tuesday when he cleans their buckets and the production went up and have been consistent for almost 2 weeks.
The shells are not as hard as it should be and they are getting Fracture/Osteo this week.
The rule on the farm is, if she doesn't lay in a week she needs to go. A rule that our worker doesn't like and he doesn't give up on them. We had 3 ladies that didn't lay eggs for 3 weeks, one had problems with her legs and struggled to get up, one was in a fight and lost her comb and we have no idea why the 3rd didn't lay but they got injury in their water and a week ago they started laying again.
Testimonial by: Bianca Botma, Gauteng
More time with our old lady
Our Yorkie was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder, causing her to become practically paralysed .
After three weeks of starting bovine colostrum she was walking and inflammation had come down.
Few months later , we are shocked to see how well she is doing , running , climbing stairs , chasing monkeys and rolling around.
At ten years old she seems like a puppy again, playful and happy and no other chemical meds needed .
We are so grateful to Ian for giving us more time with our old lady.
Testimonial by: Chanz Du Toit

Our countless amazing experiences
I am writing from Auroville in South India, where we are using the Blue Box with immense success and gratitude ever since we moved here from Cape Town, now a dozen years ago. The stories of how effectively these remedies have treated a wide range of conditions could fill a book… as I am using them to help fellow beings sharing our life on a farm, both humans and animals, winged and four-legged (mainly cows and dogs).
Our countless amazing experiences include for instance saving the life of a young dog bitten by a highly venomous snake (a Krait)! By the time we finally managed to obtain an anti-venom, our dog had recovered from the acute and threatening symptoms sufficiently that we did not even need to use the injection!
Testimonial by: Jasmin, Auroville
Last night my dog was knocked over by a car.
The first thing we grabbed was our blue box -
he was clearly in shock and we immediately gave him the injury and t.r.s (trauma, rescue, shock) remedies.
Immediately he was calm and in less pain, which allowed us to lift him and rush him to the VET!
You have an awesome product and I’m not sure how my family would survive without this amazing product
Testimonial by: Melanie Adams Petersen
Recently my sheepdog Jock was bitten (through the palisade gate!) He bled soooo much. I phoned the vet (just after returning home after work on a Friday afternoon. The message on the Vet’s answering machine said we need to go to Nelspruit if we need a vet) 45 minutes drive... my poor dog was bleeding so much, I phoned a friend nearby to help to stop the bleeding while I got the remedies needed ready.
I used Pegasus herbal antiseptic solution to disinfect the wound and then gave trauma, rescue, shock, then injury (fantastic to numb the pain and help the wound to heal more quickly) I also gave him bites remedy.
The next day I gave anti-virabac, bites and injury. Over the following couple of days I only gave anti-virabac twice a day and Jock healed completely! Healthy and happy!
I have complete confidence in the Pegasus range and KNOW it works well, not only for humans, and that it’s completely safe for pregnant ladies and babies
but also for animals.
I’ve “doctored” a lot of animals while I stayed on a farm a couple of years ago and they all recovered wonderfully well just on Pegasus remedies!
Testimonial by: Trudie Linde-Badenhorst
I am so pleased that I bought your blue box at your expo last year.
I must say that the cystitis formula is amazing. My cat has kidney failure and often gets bladder infections.
Within 2 days she was feeling so much better!
I have used lots of different ones on myself and can't rave about your product enough.
I promote your product to everyone I can.
Testimonial by: Thelma Larsen
*Please note: we now have a specific pet remedy renal 12c for chronic conditions of kidney and bladder infections

We recently moved from Rustenburg to Sabie. Our 2 Border collies are used to travelling by car for 10 minutes or so but definitely not for 6 hours! Before we left I gave them both TRS ( Trauma rescue shock) and about 30 minutes later some vmt ( vertigo,morning and travel sickness).
With a stop every 2 hours, we repeated both remedies at hourly intervals. They didn’t get nauseous at all, drank water but did not eat on the journey. However, when they arrived at our new home they were full of energy and ran around and ate as usual once they’d settled down.
We use TRS as well when they are afraid of thunder and any loud noises (very sensitive ears the Border collies!) So if you are travelling with your pets, try the remedies mentioned above. It’s very easy to dose them...I just put it ( 3-5 small pillutes) in the side of their mouths and it absorbes very quickly....sometimes I put it in their water ...not a bad taste at all.
Testimonial by: Trudie Linde-Badenhorst