Frequently Asked Questions

Explanation of Homeopathic Terms
CentesimalThis is one of three potency scales used in homeopathic pharmacy. It was the first potency developed by Hahnemann. 1 part medicinal substance (either dry or as a tincture), mixed with 99 parts dilutent (Sucrose or alcohol), and then succussed (shaken), yields the 1c potency. Taking 1 part of that potency mixed with 99 parts diluent, then succussed, yields the 2c potency. This is repeated until the desired potency is achieved. A 200c has gone through this process 200 times. A 1M potency has gone through this process 1,000 times. The higher the potency, the stronger the energetic effect of the remedy.
The term pillule refers to the small, round white pills used to dose homepathic medication. Our pillules are made from sucrose and shaped like a ball bearing. The medication is coated around the outside of the pillule.
Remedies are commonly designated as 6C, 30C and 200C and above. The ‘C’ stands for Centesimal, a measurement for potentization,which means a substance has been diluted one part to a hundred. Let’s take as an example, Arnica, which is used for bruising, swelling and trauma. If Arnica Montana is ingested orally in its raw plant form, it will cause symptoms of bruising, bleeding and body ache which however, converted into a homeopathic potency of Arnica, will relieve exactly those symptoms caused by the raw plant. This demonstrates the underlying principle of Homeopathy which is ‘like cures like.’
The raw original starting substance is repeatedly diluted and succussed (shaken vigorously), to achieve the higher potencies. Beyond the 12th potency, ie 12C there is no longer any measurable molecular mass, but purely the energised form of the medicine. The sub-conscious mind can ‘see’ the holographic picture of the original starter substance (animal, plant or mineral). This means that as there is no molecular substance, it is impossible for anaphylaxis (severe allergy reaction) to occur, which is why homeopathic remedies are considered to be so safe.
The process of forcefully striking a homeopathic remedy against a firm surface so that it is vigorously shaken.