PEGASUS HOMEOPATHICS is a trusted household name, bringing homeopathy, complementary and natural medicine to the world
and so creating abundant health, accessible to all.
We empower families to feel confident using safe, effective and non-invasive natural medicine addressing over 100 common human and pet health conditions.
Our health solutions are natural and affordable, available as easy-to-use individual remedies and convenient all-in-one kits that never expire,
have no side-effects and are 100% safe to use for all ages including babies, pregnant women and the elderly.
Pegasus, the flying horse from Greek Mythology, represents loyalty, stamina, endurance and speed, its wings adding the dimension of soaring spirit and freedom. It is a symbol that encourages us to keep striving for new heights of imagination, aspiration and inspiration.
We facilitate widespread awareness of homeopathy through providing accurate, practical knowledge to clients and retailers by informed, trained staff and representatives. While our formulations are complex, they are presented simply, in an easy-to-use format.
We’re constantly growing – as individuals, as a business and by offering innovatively formulated quality products, accessible and affordable to all.
As a business, we embrace the ethos of ‘We Are Family’ – including our suppliers, our retail clients and our end customers. Our attitude is one of providing mutual support, maintaining positivity, respect, sincerity, loyalty, truth and integrity with all we encounter. All Pegasus employees conduct themselves ethically and efficiently in a determined and professional manner both ‘in house’ and in the field.
We go above and beyond by delivering exceptional and extraordinary levels of service to all stakeholders.
We are committed to wholeness and integrity, presenting a united front; we’re excellent communicators and work collaboratively with each other and with all our clients, suppliers and other stakeholders.
Together we create a culture of mutual motivation, creating a ‘win-win’ mindset amongst fulfilled employees, resulting in achievement of their own and the company’s goals of abundance.
Ian Lindsay Wheeler (B. Pharm (Rhodes) 1981) has been a practising pharmacist for over 30 years, initiating his first business with a retail pharmacy, 14th Avenue Pharmacy in Johannesburg, South Africa. This successful business was sold in 1989 when Ian embarked on a transatlantic sailing adventure for 14 months.
In 1991, he returned to Hout Bay, Cape Town to establish Wheeler’s Pharmacy & Health Shop. Ian expanded and built this business for the next nine years. During this time, he undertook a three year classical homeopathic course with Dr Ruth Bloch, a well-renowned South African homeopath.
In June 1999, Ian sold his share of Wheelers Pharmacy and took a six month sabbatical. This time was spent studying further and refining the herbal and homeopathic remedies he had developed with good friend and mentor, Dr Rene Anderson, a Naturopath with vast experience in herbology, homeopathy and nutricology.
In January 2000, he started a new retail business, Steps to Health Pharmacy & Health Shop (in partnership with Gayle Salter) in Tokai, Cape Town where the focus this time was on natural and complimentary medicine.
In January 2002, through Ian’s daily consulting practice in the pharmacy, he saw the growing interest of his clients in a more holistic and natural method of treating illnesses but one which needed to be straightforward to use, would educate people about homeopathy and counter the incorrect perception that treating oneself with homeopathic medicine is complicated and time consuming. It also needed to be as comprehensive as possible and completely safe for the whole family including infants, the elderly and pregnant women.
It was then that Pegasus Homeopathics was founded and Ian came up with the concept of The Pegasus Bluebox Kit™ an all-in-one, easy-to-use homeopathic all-in-one solution. “Every home should have one”.
In March 2018 Ian sold Steps to Health Pharmacy & Health Shop to focus full time on Pegasus Homeopathics. During this time Ian has developed the Maternity/Labour Kit – “Every pregnant woman should have one” and the Pegasus for Pets range.
Benefits of Homeopathy
Each remedy may be used for a number of different ailments e.g. the sting 30C remedy, which can be used for any stinging sensation from a bee, wasp or jelly fish sting to a hot water scald and even severe sunburn. The anti-spasm 200C remedy can be used for any muscle spasm from stomach cramps and colic in babies to leg cramps and menstrual cramps.
Good health is all about balance. Illness may be seen as an imbalance in a particular area of the body.
Our bodies have an innate intelligence that works continuously to restore us to health.
Homeopathic remedies simply provide the stimulus or a ‘message of healing’ to the body to rectify the imbalance.
Each dose of the remedy is a reminder to the body to continue the healing process.
... More...History of Homeopathy
The term “homeopathy” comes from the Greek “homeo” meaning “like or similar” and “pathos” meaning “suffering or disease”.
The fundamental law upon which homeopathy is based is that of “like is cured by like” i.e. the “Law of Similars”.
The concept was introduced by the ancient philosopher, Hippocrates. In the early 1800′s a German doctor called Samuel Hahnemann, developed the concept further and formulated the principles of homeopathy. The “Law of Similars” implies that a remedy can cure an ailment if it produces in a healthy person, symptoms similar to those of the ailment or disease.
For example: because Allium cepa, the onion, causes watering of the eyes and nose, it may be indicated for the treatment of head colds and hay fever.
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